If else stata
If else stata

egen car_space = rowmean(headroom length) creates an arbitrary measure for car space using the mean of headroom and car length. egen total_weight = total(weight) if !missing(weight), by(foreign)

if else stata

Therefore, if we want to include only the nonmissing cases, we need to Note that egen newvar = total() treats missing values as 0.

if else stata

egen total_weight=total(weight), by(foreign) creates the total car weight by car type. Type help egen to view a complete list and descriptions of the functions that go with egen.īelow we will see some common usage of egen. It requires a function to be specified to generate a new variable: egen newvar = function().įunctions include mean(), sd(), min(), max(), rowmean(), diff(), total(), std(), group() etc. Repair | RECODE of rep78 (Repair Record 1978) To check if the transformations have worked as we would like them to be, it is always a good idea to cross-tabulate the newly defined variables and the variables created from. Label() gives a name to the new value label. If there are values unassigned, they will be taken to the new variable as they are.Ĭontents following the assigned value is the value label (e.g. Missing indicates all missing values nonmissing for all nonmissing values and else for both missing and non-missing values. Min refers to the smallest value max refers to the largest value. Numbers to the left of = are values to be recoded, while the number following = is the new value to be assigned. Values specified in the () includes the two boundaries. ), gen(rep78_scale) label(repair_record_scale) Recode var (rule)., generate( newvar) changes the contents of numeric variables, usually to create categorical variables.

if else stata

replace price2 = price*0.8 if foreign = 1 recode It can be used in combination with generate to recode the newly created variable from the existing numeric variable. Replace changes the contents of a variable. Generate newvar = exp creates the new variable from existing variables through an expression. The five commands below are often used to create or modify variables.

If else stata